Billionaire News

Kanye West Vaguely Claims His “Net Worth Stands At $2.77 Billion” [ Celebrities ]


I’m writing at around 5 pm on a Friday, so this probably won’t be the detailed 1,000-word deep dive that ...

Elon Musk’s Net Worth Hit $485 Billion Tuesday… Hypothetically Could Become The World’s First Half-Trillionaire *Tomorrow* [ Celebrities ]


While most of the world is on drone-watch, we here at CelebrityNetWorth are on Elon Musk-half-trillionaire watch. In case you ...

Elon Musk May Become A Half-Trillionaire Tomorrow [ Celebrities ]


Let me preface this article by saying that I have the flu. I was planning to stay in bed all ...

Taylor Swift Gave Out $197 MILLION In Bonuses To Performers And Crew During The “Eras Tour” [ Celebrities ]


Taylor Swift’s massively successful “Eras Tour” has finally drawn to a close, allowing Swift to cement her position as not ...

Elon Musk Just Became The First Person To Ever Have A $400 Billion Net Worth [ Celebrities ]


Today is a historic day for wealth-obsessed people like myself. For the first time in CelebrityNetWorth’s history, we updated someone’s ...

Bashar al-Assad And His Family Control A Huge Private Fortune [ Celebrities ]


Bashar al-Assad’s path to power began in the halls of a London eye hospital, where the mild-mannered ophthalmology student spent ...

With A Net Worth of $350 Billion Elon Musk Just Broke His Own Record For Richest Person In History [ Celebrities ]


It happened. With Tesla’s stock price soaring, Elon Musk’s net worth ended the week at $350 billion. At $350 billion, ...

In 2014 Tim Draper Paid $19 Million For 30,000 Bitcoins Confiscated From Silk Road. That Was A SMART Decision. [ Celebrities ]


In early 2020, a single bitcoin would cost you around $10,000. As of this writing, the cost of one bitcoin ...

Elon Musk Is $4 Billion Away From Re-Breaking His Own Record For Largest Fortune In Human History [ Celebrities ]


Elon Musk is no stranger to setting absolutely astonishing wealth records, but what has happened over the last week has ...

Elon Musk Ends An Unprecedented Week With A Net Worth Of $315 Billion [ Celebrities ]


Donald Trump may have won the Presidential election, but Elon Musk may have the most to celebrate as a truly ...

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